Category: Upholstery Cleaning

When Should You Hire a Professional Upholstery Cleaning Service?

There is often quite a bit of wear and tear on furniture. In a household with children or pets, the item might wear out and get dirty quickly since it is likely to be used daily. Although you probably try to keep your upholstery clean and in good shape, the daily wear and tear add […]

Upholstery Fabric: How to Protect It

Preventative measures for protecting expensive furniture are essential because life is messy. Whenever your child spills or your dog runs inside and jumps on the couch, it is upsetting. Invest in upholstery protection to avoid this. We make sure you’re covered if the stain is already set. If it happens, don’t wait until it’s too […]

Upholstery Cleaning: When Should You Hire a Professional Upholstery Cleaning Service?

There is no doubt that furniture often takes quite a beating. The item is likely to be used every day and, if there are children or pets in the home, it might become worn out or dirty quickly. Despite your best efforts, you may not be able to keep your upholstery clean and in good […]

All you need to know about upholstery cleaning

We never think of upholstery cleaning as many of us still don’t know the term or what it is. So, upholstery is something like fabric or padding that can cover sofas,armchairs, stools etc. And we daily need to come in contact with the home’s upholstery. How to clean upholstery? Now the question is how to […]

A complete guide to upholstery cleaning

Who doesn’t like keeping upholsteries in the hall of your house? But have you ever wondered why do we always opt for deep colors when it comes to buying upholstery for the house even when we strongly feel that lighter shades would be more appealing? The answer is quite simple deeper shades don’t reflect the […]

Make your furniture more comfortable! Go for upholstery cleaning

In today’s world where everything seems to be so fashionable and modern, upholstery plays an important part in glorifying the look of furniture especially chairs. Upholstery generally refers to the work of providing a comfortable covering such as padded seats, springs, and other fabric or leather covers on furniture to enhance its look. Upholstery fabric […]
