emergency rug cleaning services in Houston

Emergency Rug Cleaning & Care Services For Oriental Rugs

The value and style of a quality oriental rug will never fade. Rather, with time, handmade Turkish and Persian rugs will cost a small fortune and will become more beautiful as they age. You will never get bored admiring your oriental carpets inside your living room or bedrooms if you have a passion for textile arts and knowledge of high-quality dyes and fibers. These carpets were designed to provide high levels of comfort for your feet. Since the dense fibers keep the heat in, the knotted wool versions are ideal for colder climates.

Those same fibers are known to prevent sound vibrations from reverberating off walls, ensuring remarkable levels of comfort in your home without sacrificing style. But what if coffee spills and pet urine stains were on the same fibers? Although some stains are easy to remove in a few minutes with homemade solutions, other carpets have running dyes or colors, and any attempt to wash them with water could irreparably damage them.

The professionals should be contacted if you have just spilled coffee or paint on your Turkish or Persian carpet and you are not sure how to proceed. If you notice a stain, please contact us as soon as possible so we can examine it for you. Sometimes, the heavy artillery needs to be pulled out and some special dry cleaning solutions must be used. Occasionally, steam cleaning is sufficient. Regardless, it’s best to rely on the expertise of professional carpet cleaners instead of trying to do it yourself.

Take a look at some of the easiest and least damaging ways you can use to remove spills from oriental carpets if the need arises.

Fresh Liquid Spills: What To Do

Red wine and coolaid spills, fresh coffee or fruit juice stains, and red wine are a few of the most common spills you’ll find on your carpet. Start blotting with a clean, dry towel if the stain is fresh. Your chances of restoring the carpet to its original shape are better if you remove most of the water from it as soon as possible. Paper towels may be useful. Analyze what type of liquid had embedded deep into the fibers and see if using water would help dilution and removal.

If you don’t want to cause further damage, don’t pour liters of water on the carpet. If your area rug is dyed in running colors, you may witness precious colors bleeding through from the carpet to the floors. Read the manufacturer’s instructions first so you know what you can and can’t do in terms of cleaning and maintaining the product. As much as possible, avoid getting a carpet wet.

While oriental carpets can stay dry for quite a while without suffering severe damage, it is best to avoid getting them extra wet in the first place. To speed up the drying process, raise the carpet on your patio or use a fan overnight. You should contact an expert cleaning service if the stains are still present after the carpet has dried. They can deal with the matter using professional tools.

Getting Rid Of Pet Waste Stains

Even though you love your cat or dog, you probably can’t believe that nasty urine stain in the middle of that Persian wool rug that your great-great aunt gave you. Your doggo had to lay on that carpet out of all the carpets in the house! Will you ever be able to remove that stain? Do you feel an obnoxious, protruding smell coming from the other corner of the house?

This type of problem can be solved quickly, so don’t worry. The trick is to be present when it happens or as soon as it does, spot it immediately, and do what you can to remedy the situation:

  • Start blotting the urine with the nearest paper towel. Considering that dog urine tends to be acidic (think of the yellow stained grass in the backyard), cleaning it as soon as possible is the best solution.
  • For example, an old urine stain on a wool oriental carpet is likely to fade the colors and patterns and leave whitish or yellowish stains behind that are unappealing to the eye. It is far less likely that you will have to deal with these issues if you deal with a urine stain right away.
  • Let the carpet sit in a solution of white vinegar (distilled is best) and water for a while. Diluting the urine and removing the stain should help. To prevent further damage to your carpet, you should contact a local expert carpet cleaner if your carpet is bleeding color.

If you require emergency rug cleaning services in Houston, contact our customer support and let us provide you with our expertise, quick service, and low price!
